Monday, October 27, 2008


a field., originally uploaded by shawn peps.
"THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS I HAVE EVER SEEN," VELMA RAY TOLD ME IN HER MORNING TELEPHONE CALL. WE TRY TO TALK ABOUT OUR PICKS OR CHOICES OF THE DAY, but anyway, Velma Ray continued on and on praising this work of art, a photograph. There was nothing she said that I did not agree with. Beautiful? Most beautiful? Most beautiful ever? Yes, I had to agree with her. Ottawa, Kansas. No, it's in Canada. Great, I said, reading on as we talked. Well, I know Canada is one beautiful extension of all that is beautiful in the USA. The difference is that it becomes more INTENSE WHEN IT CROSSES THE BORDER. Take the Canadian Rockies, for example. One of my fondest dreams is to ride the Great Northern or CANADIAN PACIFIC from the east coast of Canada to its west coast. Now, that would be a train ride to remembe. But back to this fence and gate. Yes, Velma Ray was right. This is worth a second glance.

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My dad's dad, my grandfather, was nine years old when President Lincoln died from an assassin's bullet. Most people think I am speaking of my GREAT GRANDFATHER. NO, I am referring to my dad's father, my paternal Grandfather, Robert Levi Huffstutter, born in 1856. What does this information have to do with my profile? It might help the reader understand that I have a sense of being much older than I am in that only one generation seperates me from President Lincoln. This causes me to respond differently to society and many current events. In many respects, this is to my benefit, in other respects it dates my mindset. Perhaps this is the reason I value the moral standards and idealogies of older Americans, the men who were the soldiers and sailors I saw when I was a small boy,the men and women who fought a war for freedom without any doubts posted by a media with a questionable lack of national unity and purpose.